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Tag: Creative writing

  • Callout! Seeking Unhinged Creators!

    Callout! Seeking Unhinged Creators!

    Dear Creators Hello you beautiful brains! I’ve been toying with an idea for a long time and well, no more excuses so let me shut myself up before I start frosting the cake here with them. Designed Outta Line was created to empower, a template to create and play freely with the passion that is…


  • Writer’s block; Redefine B.L.O.C.K and Overcome the Beat!

    Writer’s block; Redefine B.L.O.C.K and Overcome the Beat!

    Writer’s block certainly knows how to rear its devious head at the worst of times; you’re on a roll and the world is singing your song then, when you least expect it, it’s all “Hello, is it me you’re looking for,” as the music fills in where your creativity was flourishing. We all have our…


  • We Are Eternal

    The falling days of all our dismays – to run and hide, slip away, free to decide our lives, our fate. Fate. The adage pressed upon our souls since matter became existence, since we birthed a name and a history. A statistic? Twisted truths, damned truths! We can say we’ll be whoever we wanna be…


  • Dance With Me

    Dance With Me

    The notes bespoke a song of conviction; the righteous affliction which held no melody, held no memory, held no reality. Do you hear it? Do you fear it? Tra lalala, do doobie dun The mixture intoxicating the starved; lonely, foolish, undone. Does your heart take to beat or follow along in this song? NO! I…